Willie Ang
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Finally i managed to remember my password for this blogger account
well lets start of this post my naming 10 flaws about myself

3)ugly hair
4)suck in languages
5)always sleep in class
6)can offend people easily
7)wrong cca choice (cannot dsa)
8)big foot (size 11-12)
9)plays pool
10)loves psp+pc more than a human

ok this is not meant for your enjoyment or whatsoever
this is meant for myself
so that i can stare at this list
and laugh at myself
and than make changes to all these !"£$)&*(£$
though some cant be changed

anyway recently ive picked up the habit of reading
to help me improve my english
i recommend news at nine
its a nice book
though the author uses a diverse range of vocabulary
and some of which i need to look up for the meaning in the dictionary
but its part and parcel of the process of learning

i really am addicted to pool
dont ask me why but i have to urge to get a pool table for myself

*i really want to change my e-mail* bye!

posted - 6:43 PM